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Big Wood Connector
Details (3/30/2025)
Status: Partial
Difficulty: Beginner
Uses: Mt Biking & Hiking
Length: 0.73 miles
Start: 5,978'
End: 6,243'
Min: 5,978'
Max: 6,243'
Gain: 310'
Loss: -45'
Elevation Profile
// track pieces: 619, // elevation pieces: 619
Trailhead Forecast (3/30/2025)
Description / Access Information
Big Wood Connector Trail: The Big Wood Connector Trail provides a useful link between Telemark Lane, in the Big Wood Subdivison, and the White Clouds Loop Trail. There is no parking streetside in the Big Wood Subdivision, so access to the trail is by foot or bike.

White Cloud Trails: 
Surrounding Sun Valley’s nine-hole White Clouds golf course, the Sun Valley White Clouds trail system project was built by the Sun Valley Company. The trail group, Big Wood Backcountry Trails, was involved in the initial design of the trails, presenting them to the Sun Valley Company and suggesting that the company hire the International Mountain Bicycling Association's Trail Solutions program to help refine the designs and to build the trails. The Sun Valley Company did hire Trail Solutions for those purposes.

Completed in 2008, the White Cloud Trails offer five miles of easy hiking and biking in the immediate vicinity of town. There are several scenic overlooks (equipped with benches) that provide excellent perspectives of Ketchum, the Big Wood River, and the surrounding landscape, making it a great hike for newcomers to the valley.

There are four different sections of the White Cloud Trails - Sellgren’s, Valley View, Sunrise Loop, and the Elk Trail.  There are two primary trailheads, Earl’s and Carol’s, which are both just off the bike path along Trail Creek Rd.  Parking is available at the Sun Valley Village parking lot for the Carol's trailhead/access, or park at the Sun Valley Clubhouse to access the more distant trailhead, Earl’s.  or in the Sun Valley Village parking lot (Carol’s). Wood River Connector/Sellgren’s Trail also connects to Latiga Lane and TelemarkRd. on the west side of the plateau (no streetside parking in the Big Wood subdivision).

For more detailed information visit Sun Valley's trail map and information here.

*For more detailed descriptions, topo maps, and information on the history, geology, and wildflowers of the Wood River Valley pick up a copy of Exploring Sun Valley online or find it at one of several local shops.