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Harper's Trail #323
Details (3/30/2025)
Status: Partial
Difficulty: Advanced
Uses: Mt Biking & Hiking & Equestrian
Length: 2.85 miles
Start: 5,999'
End: 6,985'
Min: 5,989'
Max: 6,985'
Gain: 1,030'
Loss: -44'
Elevation Profile
// track pieces: 239, // elevation pieces: 239
Trailhead Forecast (3/30/2025)
Description / Access Information
Harper’s Trail #323: A fun trail that is accessible on its low end from the Lake Creek Trailhead, or for those arriving by bicycle or on foot, from the end of the Hulen Meadows Road (no parking in the subdivision). Harper's makes a connection to the Adams-Lake Crk. Connector Trail before continuing up to meet the high end of the "Pork Chop" section of the Adams Rib Trail #142.

Named after Butch Harper, longtime local Forest Service Recreation Manager, trail advocate, Chucker hunter, and neighbor to the trail. This route climbs flower-sprinkled northeast-facing slopes from the BLM Lake Creek Trailhead. The high end of the #323 Trail is at its intersection with the top of the Pork Chop section of the Adams Rib Trail #142.

Directions: Head north from ketchum on the highway or paved trail system. After a few miles you will arrive at Hulen Meadows Subdivision Road. It is on the left as you are traveling north (the paved Wood River Trail ends at it). If you are arriving on foot or bicycle you can head through the subdivision to gain access to the trail (no parking anywhere along the subdivision streets). Pedal or stride up the sub entrance road, bearing right at the first intersection, then right again at the 4-way stop sign at Hulen Way. Stay on Hulen Way to its end. There you will find access to the trails the lie beyond the subdivision. Bear left as you enter the meadows to find the low end of Harper's.

If you are driving, or otherwise using Highway 75 to get to the trail, head north from Ketchum and turn left after about 3.5 miles into the BLM Lake Creek Trailhead. There is a vault toilet on the south side of the parking area, and picnic tables in the cottonwoods that line the north side of the lot. From the trailhead kiosk follow the trail over the metal footbridge that spans the nearby Big Wood River. After crossing the bridge stay left and follow the sign that marks the well beaten, but sandy and rooty trail. Stay left again, at the next intersection of trails, to pop-up onto the bench-land meadows that are found there. The low end of Harpers is near to the houses that are to the south side of the meadow area. Look for the sign marking the low end of Harper's, then head on up. 

For more detailed descriptions, topo maps, and information on the history, geology, and wildflowers of the Wood River Valley pick up a copy of Exploring Sun Valley online or find it at one of several local shops.