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Gladiator Pass Trail
// track pieces: 2440, // elevation pieces: 2440
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Status: Partial
Difficulty: Advanced
Uses: Mt Biking & Hiking & Equestrian
Length: 1.54 miles
Start: 7,996'
End: 9,750'
Min: 7,996'
Max: 9,750'
Gain: 1,775'
Loss: -19'
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Trail Info
Galena Lodge will be closed for the spring starting April 7 and reopen for the Summer Season June 6.
Trailhead Forecast
Current Conditions
Temperature at 10:00PM (Mar 25th): 28.0° F
Min temperature in last 24-hours: 25.2° F
Max temperature in last 24-hours: 61.0° F
New Snow last 12 hours: 0". New Snow last 24 hours: 0".
Description / Access Information
Gladiator Pass Trail:
The Gladiator Pass Trail is about a 1.5 mile one-way affair. Not too long, but getting to its base adds some distance to this trail. The trail is suggested for fit hikers as it involves more than 1,800 feet of elevation gain from its junction with the Grinder Trail to its high-saddle terminus.

To get to the trail from the lodge you can just follow Gladiator Creek Road #189 up to its end, heading north at the couple of road intersections you will come to. Or utilize trails at first, getting on the Gladiator Creek Road higher up from the lodge.

To use mostly trails to get to the Gladiator Pass Trail, start out on Lodge Loop Trail. It takes off to the right/east of the trailhead kiosk that is near the north/far end of the main Galena Lodge parking lot.

Take Lodge Loop Trail north and uphill. At the first intersection bear right onto Gladiator Loop Trail. At the next intersection, with Rip and Tear, Stay left to remain on Gladiator Loop Trail. At the next intersection, after a footbridge stream-crossing, turn right onto Gladiator Creek Road and climb on the two-track for about a half mile to its intersection with the Grinder Trail. There is a Forest Service Gladiator Pass sign-in box at this location. Turn right/east onto the singletrack Grinder Trail. After .6 miles you will come to an intersection marked by a trail sign. The trail to the right is the Grinder Trail continuing south and east, the trail to the left/north is the Gladiator Pass Trail. Tip: if you miss the turn-off for the Gladiator Pass Trail you will come upon a couple of old miners cabins that are located further along the Grinder Trail.

Once on the Gladiator Pass Trail you will be climbing steeply through talus fields mixed in with areas of open forest. Parts of the trail are at grades exceeding 20%, so the going is demanding. After you have been on the Gladiator Pass Trail for about 0.7 miles the climbing gets easier. Nearby, to the right/east, are remnants of the Gladiator Mine, that operated here during the region's early 1800's ore-boom. Imagine hauling lead and silver ore down to the smelter that was operating in Senate Meadows at that time. What a herculean feat that must have been for the mule skinners and their charges.

Once at the saddle you will have impressive views of the north Boulders and portions of the White Cloud range. To the southwest stands the towering and nearby Gladiator Peak at 10,243 feet. What a hike!

To get to Galena Lodge by motor vehicle travel north on Highway 75. The lodge is on the right as you are climbing up; about 24 miles from Ketchum. If you will be arriving from points north, crest over Galena Summit and in about 6 miles you will come upon the lodge on the left side of the highway.
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